Monday, October 1, 2012

Running with the gazelles

Last week was a mediocre week for the thump-thump-thumping of sneaker-shod feet.  I think it was my first sub-30 mi. week in a long time.  Travel and a bit of jet lag from three back to back to back trips finally caught up with me.

But Saturday and Sunday more than made up for the malaise of the preceding days.  I got up early both days, drove my Element to the start of the levee, rather than the river trail head, and took off from there (the levee).  Adding the extra mile at the inception and conclusion of the river trail loop made for some added speed.  It is nice to start and end a trail run with a sub-8 mile.  The added distance in addition to the slight speed workout really made for a nicer run.  It always takes me a mile or more to warm up into the trails.  With the levee in front, by the time I hit the trails, I was ready to go.  I think the 10.5 rather than the 8.5 will now be my more standard go-to distance for that run.

It was also nice to share the trails with some of the top college CC guys and gals in the country.  On Sunday, several teams that had competed at Rim Rock on Sat showed up for some running.  I found myself in the company of seriously graceful runners on several occasions. It was fun and enlightening to see the running form of top-notch talent.

It was also a bit inspiring.  I felt great both days, and knocked out some good times.

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